Girl next door "Puss" tries out the clay pit for the first time in this fun mud lark. Wearing a black two piece swimsuit she steps into the deep clay and begins to sink. As she learns to move around and stay afloat the laughs continue from the crew and herself. After getting out and a quick break, she jumps in going up to her chest in an instant. With the help of Kristine she manages to sink under twice and surface with a face full of clay. As she crawls out she gives a a flash of her ample breasts.
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17.5 min
Reviews from Paying Customers:
Love you, too
"Thick in thick... The two go very well together."
A really cute girl in mud You can't beat that with a clay baseball bat. Very good camera work. I can't wait to get some, I mean purchase some more of her muddy adventures in the future.